Who knew that a 15 month old could have favorite past times but our little Miss. Tatum Bree sure does. She loves to go shopping (I don't know where she got that, I'm not a big fan and if I do shop, it's usually Kohl's or Target) She can't wait to put the bags on her shoulder like a purse and walk around.

She also loves the watering can Auntie Jenny gave her for Mattie's birthday and everyday we must get out to water our plants...

Or the street, all things need water, right?! She loves to slosh the water around and get everything including herself wet, and she also enjoys running from Mommy. Good thing we live on a
cul de sac because she loves jutting out into the street and watering the asphalt. After this picture was taken, she took quite a spill on her knees on the street and even though she had gravel embedded in her knees, she didn't cry a bit and barely let me brush her off before running off to water something else. Tough cookie!