The other weekend I was looking for Garrett and Tatum and I heard voices coming from Tatum's room. When I walked around the corner, this is what I saw...

A home made fort! Oh the fun!

Tatum loved it and brought many of her babies in to "camp out".

I even got in the tent, great construction honey!
And then yesterday Tatum refused to nap. After 45 minutes of talking to herself, she started calling for me. Why I went into her room, I don't know, but I helped her get her Mimi (
blankie), rocked her a little, and then put her back in the crib and wow, that was the wrong thing to do. She screamed (am I surprised) and screamed and refused to go to sleep. Just then Garrett walked in from work. I handed him the baby monitor with the screaming and sobbing and went out front to make a phone call. When I came back in, there was silence. And then I found this downstairs...

Apparently, Daddy's shoulder was all she needed... :)