I don't know if you can see these pics. We had a wonderful Saturday at the park with friends enjoying an Easter event. But when we got home, Garrett decided to play with the camera and ended up erasing all our photos and videos from the day. :( Thanks to Jenny, here are a few shots of Tatum enjoying the park

She loved the bounce house the best but they also had a large slide that her and Daddy went down together. There was a petting zoo (Tatum wouldn't get near it), ponies to ride (Tatum had a melt down on the pony, barely could get her on the
saddle), arts and crafts and a place to plant seeds (this was one of Tatum's favorite parts and we're hoping our seed will turn into a plant and sprout soon)...

A blow up bunny which was much more enjoyable than the real Easter bunny below...

I don't know if you can see the pic but Tatum was horrified by the fuzzy monster! Mental note, when she tells you she can't wait to sit on the furry character's lap and talk to him, don't believe her. She feels the same about Disney characters...

And the festivities finished off with a candy hunt in the park. Tatum loved it since she's got quite a sweet tooth. She kept running around, seeing candy, yelling, "
Oooo, candy!" and scooping it into her basket. She is also very good about sharing her candy which she enjoyed doing with Mattie after the event. What a fun filled day!

Easter morning started with a visit from the Easter bunny! He left Tatum a basket of goodies outside and she was so excited.

Wow, the basket full of Dora books and toys was just what she wanted!

Then it was off to church.

At least one of us wore her Easter bonnet. :) This was her favorite part of the outfit.

After brunch, we came home and realized the Easter bunny had also hid some eggs in Grandma's garden, how exciting!
Every time she'd see another hidden egg, she'd get so excited, very cute.

Here's another one!! What a wonderful Easter!

And before Easter dinner, Tatum and Daddy worked on her ever progressing play house. Now it has a door and windows. Tatum said soon she can make us lunch in her house, she can't wait!