This is a random picture but cracks me up. We were doing some cleaning in the garage and found a few items that Tatum felt made a wonderful outfit. Love those boots!
We finally got over to the SD Zoo with Ellie and Mandy and we were just in time to see a Pangolin!
Ty enjoyed his first trip to the zoo. Our passes expire at the end of this month but we're definitely renewing, we love it!
We went on the sky buckets to get over to the new elephant exhibit. I'm not a fan of heights but you can see that Tatum wasn't disturbed by them. :)
The girls enjoyed the beginning of the exhibit, lots to touch and look at.
And lots of big statues to look at and climb on.
And they had a new lion area where you can get close and personal with the lions. I loved that her tongue was hanging out while she was sleeping. Just like my cat Cali at home! :)
Here's Mandy trying to carry both of our big babies. The trail of the exhibit proved to be much longer than we expected and since I had Ty hanging on me and we left the strollers at the front of the zoo, the girls we very tired of walking and begged to be carried. Even though we had a rest at the grill and enjoyed some soft serve, the girls we falling apart and we barely made it back to the strollers. Oh, next time a map would be good. And no leaving the strollers!