Gosh, I guess I've been slacking on the posts! So here's a
hodge podge of recent
activities over the last month. Some lots of fun, some not so fun. Remember, a few posts back, when Tatum presented her teacher with some money she'd raised for the school by selling treats at our garage sale? Well, here's a poster Miss.
Lawson made for her as well as the item her money bought for the class. Tatum was so proud of herself and can't wait to raise more money for the school!
We had a play date with some of my
MOPs mom's where we met at Lake
Poway and fed the ducks. At our old house, we use to be right next to a pond with lots of ducks so Tatum knows them well. But I don't think Ty had ever fed ducks before and he loved it!
He wasn't a bit afraid and kept wanting to pet them like his cat. Too funny.
Here's one of those not so fun moments. Tatum had an ongoing battle with these weird bumps popping up all over her body since September. After numerous Dr. visits, three different medications and a trip to urgent care (one med caused her to have a horrible allergic reaction!), we finally found a Dr. who knew what they were talking about. It turns out she's allergic to fleas! Even though we treat both our pets, I guess she's very
sensitive and even a few fleas around will cause the picture above. Well, since this, we've had our house treated, the dog shaved, numerous cream applications and things are looking up. Poor little girl.
On a lighter note, Leanne came down and her, Shauna and I went to the So You Think You Can Dance show. We all love the show and watch it every summer. The concert was fun but definitely not as exciting as I thought it was going to be. I guess after watching it on TV and getting the up close view that you do on the show, watching it from a far just isn't the same. But we had a fun night out!
The next day, Shauna, Tatum and I headed for the Performing Arts Center up in Costa Mesa where we saw the Peter Pan play. Amazing! We all loved it and here's Tatum LOVING the candy area during intermission.
They constructed this huge tent just for this
performance, with a round stage in the middle. We'd been told before that it wasn't the same story as the Disney Peter Pan and we understood that as soon as the play began because Captain Hook sliced
someones throat (which definitely doesn't happen in the Disney movie) and Tinker Bell was more of a roller
derby girl with wild brown hair and wore a white tank top and a huge tutu. Very interesting yet excellent all the same.
My little baby is growing by the day. He's very artsy, creative and loves to dance and sing. My two kids could not be more
different. Here he is working on his first masterpiece.
While he was painting, Tatum and I were constructing paper bag outfits. Can you guess who she is? Right, Cinderella, with glass slippers and all! Y
ou can tell that she loved this craft...
but Ty was not quite as thrilled with his Handy Mandy bag outfit. I guess he wanted something a bit more realistic, with tools and stuff.
So Tatum put it on. :)
The week before Thanksgiving was our last preschool class till after the holiday so they had their Thanksgiving feast. I wasn't able to be there since I had Ty's music class but my wonderful neighbor, Leslie, took all these great pics.
Here's Tatum standing next to Anderson and Kaitlin, two of her very good friends in class. And look at that feast which consisted of chicken nuggets, apples, veggie sticks and a pumpkin muffin that the class made together.
Tatum and I brought in some treats for the dessert, yummy sugar cookies that she decorated with fall sprinkles. So fun! Unfortunately, later that night Ty got the flu, yuck. I was hoping we would all be spared but by Saturday morning (my birthday), Garrett felt sick and then Tatum was sick that night. No birthday night out for me! :) We headed up to Irvine the next day, as quick as possible, because I assumed I was next in line. We missed our Friends Thanksgiving which we were so upset about (but Lee brought us a plate of all the goodies which was delicious and a very sweet thing) and luckily I was spared from sickness. The kids had no appetite for the whole week and by Thanksgiving day, Grandma was sick. :(
Here's a shot from
Sadri's phone when we all went to Ra at the District for my birthday. Too bad I didn't feel well most of the night and left by 6:30! I felt sick for 5 days, during all the sickness, and either it was a mild case of what everyone else had, or it was mind over matter. But at least I got to see my friends and get out for some delicious sushi.
While we were in town, we met with some of our family at Uncle Tom's senior living center for lunch. These two are distant cousins I think!
And here's Stephan and my mom with Uncle Tom. He's not doing that well, but has been talking more lately and still has some quick witted things to say. :)
And even though we had to leave Grandma behind on Thanksgiving Day, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the
Beaston's. Here's Tatum with her beloved Godmother Shauna.
And here's one of Tatum's favorite people, Toni. I couldn't do a thing for her all night because she only wanted Toni. If only I had Toni around more often. :)
And here's my big boy with his Godmother...
and Amber (and one of the numerous bears he found in Patti's house that he loved). Such a ladies man. :)
Here we are with the
Beaston sisters. I like to call myself the fifth daughter. :)
And here's Garrett having a fun time with Caty behind the bar.
And with Shauna of course. What a wonderful family the
Beaston's are, to welcome us into their family gathering on Thanksgiving. We were definitely feeling the love.
So here's a few random shots of Ty being his crazy self. He loves many things in this world but one of those loves are hats. One of his first words was hat and here, you can see that one can make a hat out of just about anything. :)
One can also make a chair out of anything, such as a dog bowl. :) My little boy has such a silly sense of humor. Well, that's it for this random post, hopefully I don't take a month to get back on here!