Oh, the fun of putting on a princess birthday party! Tatum LOVES the movie Tangled with Rapunzel, so she had to have a Tangled themed party which was actually a lot of fun to put together. I went to a few websites to get some ideas and after hours of crafting (with lots of help from Grandma!) we had the party favors, Tangled activity pages in a book with a set of paint that I put a label on which said
"Rapunzel's Paints, thanks for coming to my party".

Of course we HAD to incorporate Flynn Rider's satchel so here it is, holding the party favors. Thanks to Grandma's keen eye, she found this beauty at the Salvation Army. :)

As for decorations, we braided some yarn and hung it in the house, through and over the front door, to greet Tatum's princess guests.

And here's the excited birthday girl! We had left over yarn so I braided it into her hair so she had long, Rapunzel hair. :)

And here are most of the princesses! A few girls came late so I believe we had 10 guest in all, what a great turn out! These are mostly little girls at Tatum's preschool, with exception of Mattie, Tatum's childhood
BFF. :)

After a few fun pictures with her friends and the Rapunzel braid...

we had craft time! The kids made Pascal blowers (Pascal is Rapunzel's
chameleon friend that lives with her in the tower)...

Ty loved this one of course!...

and sun necklaces, since the sun symbol plays a big part in the movie.

Kaitlin and Sarah beading their necklaces.

Kelsey and Ellie.

Jenny helping Mattie.

And Sarah with her finished product! The necklaces were lots of fun for the kids, and they had something to take home with them.

GM was flying out that day for Germany but still came by to give the birthday girl a big hug and wish her a happy birthday. We're so lucky Shauna lives right around the corner!

And then it was lunch time! We had a spread of Hazelnut Bisque soup (Rapunzel's favorite in the movie), bread, salad, PB and J sandwiches,...

and I tried to label every item with a name from the movie such as
Maximus' apples (he's the horse in the movie),...

Veggie sticks,...

and a meat and cheese platter.

Shae brought her brother Dillon, and he and Ty enjoyed lunch together! Dillon just turned one so there's an age difference but the boys didn't mind. :)

After lunch we played Pin the Nose on Flynn Rider. The kids loved it!

And Tatum loved giving everyone a spin!

Even Ty lined up and joined the fun!

And Kelsey was the winning princess so she got a crown.

Sarah, Ellie, Kelsey and Janelle hanging out.

Cake Time! It wouldn't be a Tangled party without a Tangled cake. I had glorious plans of making a cake tower but I got a little burnt out on the craftiness. :)

Ty is our sugar nut so he couldn't wait for his piece of cake.

And then present time, everyone's favorite.

I loved how excited all the girls were and how they couldn't wait for Tatum to open their gift. Look how tightly circled in they all were! :)

The birthday princess with all her presents. What a wonderful birthday party and a great day with friends. Happy birthday my big 5 year old!!