Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tatum's First Communion

The day has come!  Tatum's having her First Communion!!!  This was such a special day and the whole family was involved and excited for her.  She was lucky enough to borrow this beautiful dress from Bella's mom Tanya and Grandma sewed the pretty blue sash.

And here she is, ready for her big moment.

Tatum and Bella were so excited to do this together!

Getting ready!!

They wouldn't allow us to take pictures during the Mass but we took these after with all the kids and the priests.

And even Godmother Shauna was there!  Tatum felt very special and everyone looked great.  Even our big boy Ty with his nice collared shirt!

I just can't believe Tatum is already this big, wasn't it yesterday we were baptizing her?!  After the ceremony, we headed to Grandma's house for a brunch and Tatum opened a few gifts from Shauna, Grandma and us. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Padres game with Ty's tball team

We headed to Petco park with Ty's tball team to join all the other Carmel Mountain baseball teams to enjoy a baseball game together.  Here's Ty and Little B as well call her. :)

We all had a blast and enjoyed getting silly!

The kids down near the field watching the game.

We stayed till the end so we could see the cool Led Zeppelin fireworks show, so cool!

Really fun night with Ty's team!

Feeding America visit with troop 2185

This year in our Brownie troop, we went for a coop situation where different mom's took each month of the 9 month Girl Scout season and taught a different badge from the Brownie handbook.  April was my month and the girls earned their Give Back badge when we signed up to volunteer at Feeding America, a distribution of food to those in need in San Diego.  We were joined by Ali Bells Junior troop which was a real treat for our girls.  It was so nice to meet these older and sweet girls and they really took charge and helped our younger girls.

First we all enjoyed a tour through their warehouse.  They have rows of food that have been donated from companies and received from grocery stores.

Then they put us to work putting together little bags that kids would be handed the next day, Friday, to take home, ensuring that they had nutrition over the weekend.  All of these kids receive free lunch and most receive breakfast but when they go home, they don't have any food.  A weekend could be very long if you're hungry.

The girls took different stations and packed the bags.  There were two bags of chips, a can of chicken, coconut water, breakfast bars and five apples per bag. 

Here's Ali and Destiny...


Ellie and Kelsey,...

Tatum and Samantha,...

a few more girls from Ali's troop,...

and Mollie and Emily.

And the mom's chipped in too!

I'm so glad Leslie's troop could join us and we did this together.  Such a rewarding experience!

And so many bags!

The girls ended up packing over 300 bags!!

And the end of the meeting, the girls held hands and sang their friendship song and squeezed hands, a girl scout tradition for all levels of troops.  This was very endearing.

All of us walked away from this situation very enriched and rewarded.  Thanks Feeding America!