Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our bathing suit beauty

Tatum starts swim lessons on Tuesday and I was sorting through her bathing suit options from last year. I decided this one was too small but she begged to differ. She wanted to try it on, obviously too small, and said, "See Mommy, not tight." Ummm, yeah...

Then Daddy grabbed the camera and started taking pics of her running around the house and (while Mommy was downstairs and unaware) letting her jump on the couch! :(

They had to get out the favorite Princess beanie of course.

And then Tatum and Daddy were exchanging kisses on the cheek, cute.

Tatum is such a little ham. She has us laughing every day which is wonderful medicine for the soul. She's our little ray of sunshine and we love her to pieces.


Mattie said...

C'mon mommy, jumping on the couch is fun!

Unknown said...

That is awesome...what a crazy girl! That smile is amazing!

Katie Hendrickson said...

Joy, she's gotten so big. I can't believe it!! I heard you had a fab weekend w/Shauna...wish I could've been there!