Tatum LOVES to take pictures and was always trying to steal my camera, so she got her own for her birthday! She's still trying to get the hang of it but here are a few of the 124 pictures that she's taken that were actually good enough to put on here. As you can see, some of us are NOT a fan of being photographed... :)
but otheres are fine with it. Like this gorilla at the zoo...
or this bench. Who doesn't need a picture of a random bench? :)
This was at the Wild Animal Park.
And this was a self portrait. But, unlike her mom who is notorious for self portraits, I believe this one was due to holding the camera backwards. :)
Daddy working in the front yard.
Oh, here's one of those self portraits of Mommy. We were playing dress up and I thought my crown / head piece was quite beautiful. :)
Here's the princess blowing kisses to all her fans. :)
And here's her biggest fan. And I mean that in love, not in size. :) We need lots of work on our aiming but she might just be a famous photographer one day.
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