Tatum likes to take pictures but Ty LOVES to take pictures. Every time I pull my camera out, he says, "Me take, me take!" And for a little two year old, he's getting pretty good. Of course, since he's two, the subjects of his photos aren't what we would chose, but perfect examples of his personality and his view point. Here's just a few that he took the other day. Here's his collar...
This little rock area is actually in our neighbors yard but it connects to our yard. They love to take their blankies and other animal friends and hang out, like they're having a party. I love listening to them go back and forth. Tatum is still our "Teacher Tatum", aka bossy pants. So usually the conversation goes a little like this. Tatum, "Ty, we're going to sit down here on the rocks and have school." Ty, "Yeah." Tatum, "No, you need to sit here, like this and I'll tell you what you can do and when to get up." Ty, "K." Tatum, "No, Ty, I said you have to sit there, now listen to this story. Who likes avocados, raise your hand?" Ty, "ME!! TY!!" Tatum, "You didn't raise your hand, now you need a time out." Ty, "Ohhhhhhh, k." :) Just too comical.
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