Look at this kid. Look at the love in her face. She is in heaven! All due to some girlie pampering with her favorite ladies, the Beaston girls. This is how her Thanksgiving began. Tatum was invited to spend the night up at the Beaston's house the night before Thanksgiving. So with her favorite bunch of girls, she got a mani/pedi...
a ride on the carousel,...
a new Tangled doll and a crown! She got to hang out with the girls and watch movies, spend the night on an air mattress in Amber's room. This day really was "the BEST DAY EVER!!"
And to top it all off, Amber also bought her new TOMs, what a lucky girl!
On Thanksgiving, Garrett, Ty, my mom and I drove up to the Beaston's and enjoyed Thanksgiving with their family. They are all so welcoming and thoughtful to include us. We really do feel like family.
Ty and his favorite lady.
Tatum LOVES Toni. I guess while Tatum was there before we came, she'd be watching a show and tell Shauna she'd be right back and then go check on Toni. Just to be near her and see what she was doing. So cute.
Amber made a joke once that Tatum had been won over by Caty and Toni already so she was going straight for Ty's love. She definitely got it! :)
Can you tell these kids love the Beaston's!
We all had lots of fun sipping wine, chatting, eating delicious appetizers, and watching football of course.
Awww, thank you London Abroad! :)

And it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a delicious meal and a big juicy bird. Patti cooked an amazing turkey and dinner was scrumptious! Thank you Beaston's for inviting us into your home and making us feel like family. We're so blessed to have you all.
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