Wednesday, January 4, 2012

25 Days of Christmas, Day 25!!

Santa came!!! This was the first year that Tatum was up before me, at 6:30 am, and whispered, "Do you think Santa came yet? Can we go check?" I said we better get everyone up to check it out together so we woke Daddy up, Grandma was already up and ready, and we woke Ty up and all headed out to the family room together. And this is what we saw!! So many presents and full stockings!

Ty loved this jeep that Santa brought and he jumped in immediately. But when Daddy turned it on, he freaked out and hasn't be back in it since. :( But good thing his sister can fit in it and it's getting lots of use anyway.

My two Superheros!

My little Diva!

Christmas Day is also Harley's birthday so he got a few goodies too!

It's a tradition that everyone gets a picture with their stack of gifts. Don't be fooled, he has a large stack stashed behind him!

Everyone got cute snow hats!

This year, we tried to drag out the present process so we let the kids open Santa gifts first, then we had Monkey Bread and played with toys, then headed to the tree for family gifts. When all of that was done, around 11, we headed out into the sunshine (it was a balmy 75 degrees!) and tried on some of our new items and brought out some new toys. We also enjoyed mimosas!

We have a very mellow holiday since we don't have any family close by, so we spent the day with our new toys, cleaned up, made a birthday cake for Jesus, and prepared dinner...

I got a new camera so I was taking lots of pictures, I'm not usually a food picture person. But dinner was delicious!

And then we ended the night with a Happy Birthday song to Jesus and a delicious poke cake. What a glorious day!

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