Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From the kids view

Two years ago for Christmas, Tatum got one of those kid cameras. It came with a usb cord and I think I downloaded a few photos the first time she used it. But I ran into the usb cord again the other day and realized there were probably a few photos on the camera since I'd never downloaded photos again so I sat down to check it out. 637 photos later I realized I should have been downloading photos regularly. Anyway, after a long time of actually looking at every photo and deleting many out of focus carpet shots, here's the best of the rest.
Daddy working in the front yard

Pokey, Snow White and Mimi, a few of Tatum's very important possessions

the art bin in the garage

our old car that we have since traded in for a new car

Tatum's belly

her view at rest time, with an added art shop crown

a self portrait

a messy room before bed

a very important area. Tatum's books, toys and dress up clothes

a shot of Tatum by Grandma

another messy room

a princess dress up party with Ty!

What a good sport!

I love that sweet, chubby face

One of many "say cheese!" pictures of me

A picture of Ty from Mommy at the computer

our favorite dog

our favorite cat (she's fast!)

a pouty brother

a silly man resting in the kitchen

a crazy Daddy!

The end of their favorite show, Jake and the Neverland Pirates

a cute, little girl foot

a sweet little boy face, ready to get out of the car and hit the world running

a chubby, baby leg

a kissable nose

a smiley Mommy

a pouty brother


a "the camera's backwards" shot

more Spidey!

Darth Vader

a mirror shot in our room

Bed time!



a Spiderman shoe

Mommy strapping a little man into his car seat

Ty's view from his car seat

Silly Daddy

Silly brother after his hair cut

Silly sister!

Reading books with Ty before rest

Saying goodnight to Ty before rest

Ty's view as he rests

Dee and Bo Bo, view important friends of Ty's. Wow, lots of pictures! But lots of important stuff and view points of the kids. I've erased the camera and we're starting over. Maybe I won't wait so long this time and maybe we'll let the kids take the camera out to fun places and see if we can get some more fun shots from them. It's interesting to see what the world is like from a smaller perspective. :)

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