Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wild week of super, cock a doodle doing, spring party fun

Every week in Tatum's class, a child is picked to be Super Kid.  Super Kid gets to make a large poster of pictures and things to share with the class depicting all their favorite things and times.  They also get to bring in a share item every day that week and I think they get to do a few special things in class like lead the line or something like that.  Anyway, it's been a long wait but finally, Tatum was Super Kid!!  She helped pick out the pictures she wanted on her poster and decorated it as well.  She had to fill out a questionnaire about herself which she then had to stand up and read to the class.  Using a microphone no doubt!  She absolutely loved being Super Kid!
All the kindergartners in the school put on a play for us.  The Wackado Zoo.  We all came to the MPR at 6 pm to gather and watch their play.  Here's Tatum with a group of her friends playing some game.  They're so excited!
The play began and of course Tatum is in the back row because she is the second tallest girl in her class.  At 49 inches she and her friend Kaitlin are taller than most.  The story was about a zoo of animals: lions, monkeys, pigs, goats and cows that all say something different than the noise they're suppose to say.  Tatum was a lion and she said cock a doodle do! :)  Not only is Tatum tall but she has a large head, she always has, and she had a hard time getting her lion hat on her noodle.  Garrett kept trying to motion to her to lift it up so we could see her face better but she didn't seem to mind and it didn't deter her from singing her heart out. :)

Ty loved the show, as you can see, and he spent most of the time standing in the aisle dancing to their songs.  He's such a ham. :)

Here's the whole stage full.

Tatum loves to sing and she did a wonderful job.  They sent home her lines a few weeks before and she spent a little time each day going over them.  She LOVED to have singing practice in the MPR during the weeks before the show.  Maybe we'll have to get her into some acting classes. :)

Look at this "too cool for school" dude with his hands in his pocket.  I love him!

After the show, they all headed back to their classrooms and we were able to get a picture of Tatum with her teacher.  She just LOVES Mrs. Kirchmeier and we're going to be very sad to have to say good bye to her in a few months. :(

And here's Tatum and Kaitlin, such sweet friends.

On the last day of school before spring break, there was a spring party so I came in to volunteer.  There was frame decorating of course...

and cupcake eating.  Yum!

And then we all headed outside for some relays.  Here's Tatum balancing an egg on a spoon, trying to get back to her line.  The kids loved this!
And here's a three legged race!

While the relay races were going on, some of us other Mom's were out in the fields putting the stuffed eggs.  Each child brought 6 stuffed eggs to find.  And when the relays were over and each kid was given a red bag, they were off!

Ready, set, go!

What a fun party!  I really don't remember having all these amazing parties when I was in school.  I think we would go to recess and maybe come back to find some candy on our desks or something.  But the work and the amount of volunteering that goes in to the parties now is just amazing.  Tatum's pretty lucky. 

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