Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Outpost Camp for Ty

Ty took an Outpost Camp session the week after school got out.  He went MWF for three weeks and LOVED it!

He enjoyed being outdoors and going on hikes,...

having art time in the Crafty Cave,...

dress up days,...
lunch time with friends,...

and lots of games like What Time is it Mr. Fox, Red Light, Green Light, freeze tag, etc.

He had three counselors, Jay, Aaron, and Elana and there were 6 kids in his group.

Two weeks into the camp, we think Ty got squirted in the face at water fun time and he didn't want to go back to camp.  The last three days of camp he would cry in the morning and almost refuse to go.  Not sure if the water really upset him or he was getting overwhelmed.  Who knows but he stuck it out and after a few minutes after I'd leave, he'd be completely fine.  Maybe the big meltdowns were purely for my benefit. :)

Here the group made a rocket out of bamboo in Hermie's Hideout!

And the best part was that Ty's friend Colin was in the same group.  Such good friends!

At fireside time, which was when they would all gather to sing songs and do skits, Ty's group put on a play.

Ty loved art time, he brought a new project home each day.  And his favorite thing about camp was learning songs which he still sings two months later!
Such a wonderful camp and this boy had a blast!

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