Wednesday, September 3, 2014

4th of July with the Jazayeri's

4th of July once again!  The Jazayeri's came down the night before, pretty late, but in time for the girls to giggle till after midnight, and the parents to talk into the wee hours.  Always lots of fun!  The next morning, we headed down to Old Poway Park for the 4th of July Festival.  Look at this cute bunch!  We tried to get there early so we could ride the train, but the line was already insane! 

Instead, we headed over to the pony rides.  This never gets old for them.

After checking out the model train room, we listened to some music,..

saw some military men shoot off this cannon,...

learn about all the civil war weaponry, (Ty found this VERY interesting)...
and after we all made a boat compliments of Home Depot, we grabbed a table, had a snack and cooled off.

We grabbed a quick family photo on the walk over the bridge.

Then, we all needed to cool off, so we headed home where the kids could play in the pool and slip n slide while the parents downed a few spiked lemonades. :)

Sage was staying with us while Shauna was on vacation.  The girls took her on a nice walk down the street by themselves.

Then after dinner, we packed up and headed to RB High School to watch the fireworks.  We love this place.  It's a huge field with a stage and songs playing till a huge fireworks show goes off at 9.  Excellent!

And lots of friends to get silly with!

Glow sticks!

These two have been watching the show together since they were 4!

The next day, while the boys golfed, we escaped the heat and took the kids to Chuck e Cheese.  I know, can't really stand this place but the kids loved it and for $5 each and two slices of pizza, they enjoyed a few hours away from home in the cool.  Love our friends!

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