Saturday, November 15, 2014

First day of TK and 2nd Grade!

The day before the first day of school, we headed over to find out what teacher Tatum got for 2nd grade.  And she got Ms. Weidetz!  Along with quite a few of her friends, so exciting!

Ty was in the only TK class with Mrs. Otto and had lots of friends in his class too.  We weren't sure who he would know but there was Vinny from his preschool class last year, Cruz, Sophie's brother, and Sarah, Molly sister.  Lots of fun!

Ty was invited to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  What a beautifully decorated door!  He liked Mrs. Otto and enjoyed seeing his friends, but still wasn't so sure about school.

And then it was the first day of school!  Tatum chose this pretty dress we got at Old Navy for her first day.  Such a little lady.

And Ty chose his buckle shorts and this cool shirt Shauna gave him.

He was ready to show off and use his new backpack!
These two are growing up way too fast.  And for the most part, they really enjoy each other, it's sweet.

Tatum was excited to be the big sister and walk her brother in for his first day.  Too cute!

So exciting to see friends!  Here's Tatum and Destiny!

And Daddy was there too, such a treat.  He works so hard, it's rare he gets to campus.  But he always makes time on these special days, he wouldn't miss it for the world.

Tatum's teacher had them sit in the village, outside the classroom and she explained a few things and rules.  Then she asked the parents to wave goodbye and leave them.  :)

Ty LOVED his classroom and his teacher and was so excited.  We waved goodbye and he did a great job!

His pick up time is 12:20 out in front of the school and he came out with a huge smile on his face and wearing this decorated hat!  He had "the best day ever!".

And Tatum came out with the same expression!  Here's her BFF Kaitlin, they get to sit next to each other!  Tatum said Ms. Weidetz is so sweet and she loves her, already, after one day. :)  Too bad the next day Tatum had a cough and I had to pick her up at the nurses office and take her to the dr.  Nothing besides a common cold but she kept coughing and felt uncomfortable in class.  Ty came down with it the next day too, new school year germs!

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