Monday, April 25, 2016

Fall Ball

Tatum loved softball with the Queen Bees and really loved her coach Jason so she couldn't wait to sign up for Fall Ball, which is the off season softball league.  It only ran for two months or less and they would have two games on Sundays but all in all, awesome experience!  Here's Tatum crackin' the ball!

Tatum's favorite part about softball is batting.  She loves it and has quite a swing.  Her batting average for Fall Ball was .75, pretty good!

And here's on tournament day!  At the end of Fall Ball, all teams complete in a weekend tournament where they work down a bracket and compete for top team.  Tatum was a little nervous since this was her first real tournament and she seemed a bit timid and nervous this weekend.  But what an awesome team she had!!!

The girls fought hard and were one of the last few teams standing.  Unfortunately they lost but really, we all won after such an amazing season and awesome coaches!

Way to go Tatum!! :)

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