Monday, June 24, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's Day started for me on the Wednesday before.  Tatum's class put on a Mother's Day tea where we were served tea, cake and fruit.
Then the kids sang us a few beautiful songs.

Here's Tatum singing along while standing next to Kaitlin, Lila, Jiya and Trevor.

I was served my delicious items on this beautifully hand made place mat.  You can't see the writing by it's a questionnaire about me where Tatum states I'm 78 years old, 58 lbs, I love to clean, I like to wear a shirt and pants, I love sushi, I don't like when Tatum doesn't do her chores and my job is to take care of her.  All very correct, minus the weight and age. :)

Then on Thursday, I was invited to Mom's and Muffins with Ty!
Here's all the mom's and kids enjoying hand made muffins and juice.

My sweet little man.

He made me this kitchen towel that I love!  He also sang a few songs with his class, so cute.
Then for the real Mother's Day, Mom, Tatum and I headed to church and then returned home to enjoy a delicious meal and mimosas!
We also got some pretty nice gifts like flowers, a hand made pen holder pot for Grandma, and money for a spa treatment. Love it!
Then Mom and I went to Orfila Winery to enjoy a wine tasting festival.  They had live music, crafts, food trucks and lots of wine!  A wonderful day for both of us.

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