Monday, June 24, 2013

Quatro de Mayo!

Since Cinco de Mayo fell on a Sunday and we'd be leaving Irvine that day, Mom had us celebrate Quatro de Mayo!  The Jazayeri's came over, as well as Jane, Barbara, Mari, Bob, Leanne and Ryan.  A whole party!  And here are the two BFFs looking so festive.  I can't get over how different in size they are.  Tatum on the tall side, Mattie on the small side, but they still make a great pair.

Here's what happens when you try to force a little boy to smile for the camera.  Obviously Ty wasn't interested in posing with Cameron but I still got a shot.  The boys were playing in the play house and they too get along really well. 
And the girls.  BFFs for many years!
And here's a great picture taken by our photographer Ty.  He likes being behind the camera much more than in front of. :)
It was a pot luck and everyone brought something delicious.  We are such a lucky group, happy to have each other.

And one last picture of Tatum with her wonderful Grandma. 

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