Monday, November 18, 2013

Teddy Bear Breakfast

This morning the kids were asked to come to school in their pajamas.  How exciting!  This was because this morning they were having a Teddy Bear Breakfast!  The 1st graders had made bears out of paper bags and the kindergarteners had brought a bear in from home the day before.  Their bears slept over in the classroom with blankies and pillows the kids had also brought from home.  When they came into the classroom the next morning though, everything was crazy!

The bears had a party last night during their sleep over!

Here's Tatum with her handmade bear.  These were so cute!  Buttons for eyes, material for a bow in their hair.  Very cute.

And here's Sophie and Tatum excited for a fun Bear Breakfast morning!
After the craziness calmed down, the kids and Mrs. Kirchmeier got organized for a darling group photo.

Then the parade began!  Each 1st grade class came through the classrooms and picked up another 1st grade class and then they all paraded through the other classrooms.  So fun!

They also paraded around the school!

And here's Mrs. Donnelly, our new principle really showing her spirit by wearing her footie pjs. The kids LOVED it!

Then the classes ended the parade at the lunch tables where each kid sat down with their bear in front of a bowl of oatmeal and a bear head bread they had each made the day before.  I was lucky enough to volunteer and help each kid make their bear bread.  So fun!

Here's Tatum with Mollie H, Molly P and Kale'a.  What a fun morning for Tatum and her class!

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