Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fun filled week

We spent a busy but fun week up in Irvine. It started with a play date with Tatum's two BFFs Aubrey and Mattie. Look at how nicely they sat for the photo!

Then we went up to visit GM (that's Shauna, Tatum's God mother) and had a yummy lunch at Good Stuff down at the pier, some shopping and some wonderful appetizers for dinner. Tatum was a bit on the hungry side that night so she had 2 sticks of cheese, applesauce, Turkey Vegetables, crackers and a taste of frozen yogurt, yum! Here she is eating from a big girl plate!

Saturday, Tatum had another play date with her BFF Mattie. Mattie was trying to teach Tatum to walk but as you can see, Tatum wasn't cooperating. :)

Then we met Jenny and Mattie at the Irvine zoo on Tuesday and enjoyed the goats, bears and story time read by Grandma!

Oh the fun one can have with a baby!!

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