Friday, May 2, 2008

I can breathe again...

Since everything is ok, I can sit down and share this story. We have two wonderful pets, a five year old golden retriever named Harley and a four year old calico named Cali (Cali Pinker Tinker Pants to be exact). Both very important to me but since I've had a cat in my life since I was born, I'm definitely more of a cat person. And everyone that knows me, knows that my Cali is one of the most important and cherished beings in my life. With that said, I woke up yesterday morning to find that Cali was not in the house. As it turns out, she had never returned the night before. Since Tatum has come into our lives, the pets have understandably taken a back seat in some instances, and being on top of Cali safe in the house by the time I go to bed that night was obviously one of these instances. When I realized, I immediately started looking for her, calling her and walking down to our pond to see if I could find her. When she didn't respond or come home, I knew something was wrong and of course thought the worst.

We live on a canyon that's known for being a home for coyote. Our neighbor lost a cat last year to a coyote and once Garrett saw one walking down our street. We've allowed Cali to go in and out as she pleases and never had a problem. Until yesterday. I waited for her in the back yard all day and nothing. I had to leave and meet some friends that night and as much as I loved being with them, my mind was so clouded with worry for Cali. When I came home and she was still gone I just lost it, sure that she had been eaten by a coyote.
I didn't sleep much last night, sticking my head out the back door and calling for her every hour or so. This morning was horrible, life was to move on and I didn't have my most precious cat. I cried endlessly, I couldn't even keep it together in front of Tatum. I was so wrought with sadness, and figured the worst had happened but I couldn't sit still and do nothing. I called our local vet to see if anyone brought in an injured cat (knowing she would never survive a coyote attack), I drove down to the local animal shelter and searched the numerous cat cages filled with homeless cats and not one was Cali. I had made a flier to hang at the shelter and the helper directed me to the large binder filled with lost cat files, at least 3 inches thick, and told me to add it to the pile. :( My last hope was to make fliers and hang them around the nearby streets in hopes that by chance someone saw something and could at least help me close the chapter on this horrible ordeal. I hung 6 fliers and I went down to the pond to hang the last flier on the path where I knew many people would see it. I was hanging the flier when I heard a cat, my cat! I was looking everywhere and could hear her little meow so frantic and scared. I looked up and there she was, stuck up in the tree above where I was hanging my flier! I think I almost fell to the ground, I could not believe that all my prayers had been answered, my cat was alive!

It took a lot of craziness which included me calling 911 in hopes that they would send the fire department to free my cat (that only happens in the movies apparently) and having the neighbor wrap me with rope and secure me as I scaled a 30 foot tree (anything for my cat!) Finally, Garrett, my most wonderful and brave husband, scaled the tree and after many attempts, was able to grab her and drop her to safety! I ran off to the vet with Cali like a mad woman, thinking that all of this had caused her to have internal injuries (she was panting and blacking out) The vet happened to be in emergency surgery so they recommended I get her home to some food and water and watch her progress over the next 24 hours. To end this very long entry, my most beautiful and precious Cali is safe and catching up on some much needed sleep. She will NOT be going outside ever again (sorry Cali) and now that every one of my beloved family members is back at home, I can breathe again...


Nadine said...

Joy, I'm so glad you got your Cali back!

Katie Hendrickson said...

I bet it felt like one of your kids was lost in the sad! I'm not a big animal lover, but I feel for you! Glad she is home safe!!

Mattie said...

Ands thats why my cats have always been indoor cats! Thank God Cali is OK!!! Give Miss tinker pants a big kiss for me!