Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Christmas stars!

 On day 15, the kids and I made Nuts and Bolts and took cans to the neighbors.  We also had our neighborhood progressive party and our neighbors took some wonderful photos.  Here are some of the guys at the Warners for appetizers.

 Leslie, Susan and I.

 Paige hosted the dinner portion, delicious meal.

 Just being silly here. :)

 Four different families helped with the dinner and here's Susan preparing the salad.

 These two crack me up!

 I can't seem to write below the next picture but for the dessert portion of the night, we headed to the Budds and enjoyed a white elephant gift exchange, hilarious!  A fun night!

On day 16, we picked up Grandma and went to the Bernardo Winery for their festive holiday craft event.  The kids loved seeing Santa again.

And Mrs. Claus too!

Then we took a horse drawn carriage ride through the vineyard.  So fun!


The kids loved it and even though it was sprinkling rain and a bit chilly, the blankets and our silliness kept us warm. :)

On the 17th day of Christmas, the kids went to Grandma's for dinner and hot cocoa while Garrett and I had some sushi and gift wrapping time at the house.  Then on the 18th was Ty's school Christmas program and he was so excited!
He loves to sing and dance and didn't hold back during the performance.

And he did a great job with the hand motions too!  They sang God Made Me, Before the Beginning, Mighty is His Love, and then some Christmas classics like Away in the Manger and We Wish you a Merry Christmas.

It was really too cute and Garrett, Grandma and I were all there to cheer him on. 

Here's Mrs. Friesen on the side, coaching the kids along.  She could ask them to do anything and they'd listen.  She's a wonderful teach and Ty loves her.
Oh goodness, can you tell who's the class clown? :)
It was pouring out that day so after the show, we ran back to the classroom so Ty could give Mrs. Friesen his coffee cup sleeve and gift card and she gave him a Christmas book and Ty gave us a cute Christmas tree made from his foot prints.  This was the last day of school and Ty was sad to have to say good bye but we're looking forward to school starting up again next week.  Back to the grind! :)
Later in the afternoon, I was invited to Tatum's class to receive a holiday gift and a thank you card for being a volunteer.  These snow men the kids made were so cute!  Tatum painted and put the whole thing together and they also served us hand made rice krispy treats.  Yum!
On the 19th day the kids wrote letters to Santa and then on the 20th, it was time for Tatum's Christmas performance!  Here's Tatum with her friends Grace, Sophie, Regan, Chloe, Ellie, Katelyn, Sarah and Kaitlin.  Such beautiful girls!

And here's Tatum in her classroom, waiting for her big performance.

And here she is under the bright lights on stage.  She did a wonderful job!

Such a big group!  This was all four kindergarten classes and Tatum was up in the back row since she's one of the tallest.  They sang lots of cute songs like It's a Small World, Over the River, and What I am.  They did such a great job!  Shauna, Grandma, Daddy, Ty and I were so glad we could all be there and Shauna took some photos that we haven't gotten yet so I might be posting some of those later as well.

And back in her classroom she asked me to take a picture of her with Mrs. Kirchmeyer.

After the show, we headed back to the house for a gift exchange with Shauna.

She brought the kids some presents from Nanni Patti and Papa Rick as well and Ty LOVED this Ironman mask.

And Tatum loves her soft doggie that she named Shauna. :)  She actually sleeps with her every night.

Goofy faces!

I don't think she's let her out of her sight. :)
And here's the vest that Nanni Patti sent and Ty thought it went great with the mask. :)

Some group shots,...

and funny faces!

Awww, my girl for over 15 years!
And we got everyone looking.  Cute picture.  It was so nice to spend time with Shauna, the kids really love seeing her. 

And funny faces again!

Merry Christmas!

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