Wednesday, January 4, 2012

25 Days of Christmas, Day 24

It's Christmas Eve!!! After a bit of last minute shopping, Grandma came over and we made some Christmas cookies for Santa. Then Tatum, Grandma and I got ready and headed to Mass while the boys finished preparing our delicious Christmas Eve dinner. It's a tradition that we have lobster tail so along with that, we had my Aunt Pat's famous potatoes (using hash browns, so good!), maple glazed carrots, salad, and dessert!

Another tradition is that after dinner, we all get to open one present (the kids two since they have so many!) and it's always a new pair of pjs. Todd came by that evening to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and took this picture of us all. The kids also opened pillow pets! Before going to bed, Tatum got Santa a cup of milk and a big carrot for the reindeer, and Ty was the cookie man. Tatum said that's the one thing he could do that would be ok for his age, but then after he got the cookies on the plate and was walking over to set them by the fireplace, they slide off the plate and all over the floor. :) Oh well, Santa doesn't mind.

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