Friday, March 22, 2013

Fleeting fun

When Tatum started her first year of preschool, I met these two sweet mom's of children in Tatum's class, Joy and Deborah.  We enjoyed two years at the preschool together and now our babies are in kindergarten together, and we get to see each other every day at drop off and pick up.  We also organize and do out of school fun too!  We all bought a groupon for beer tasting at White Labs, a yeast making company, and enjoyed it!

The girls didn't drink too much of the tastes but the boys helped clear the glasses, all 48 tastes!  What a fun night!
Tatum had talked about wanting to take another shot at ice skating.  So a few friends joined us and we hit the ice.  Here's Ty, Tatum, Ellie and Grace.

Grace and Ellie had been a few times before, but this was Tatum's second try and Ty's first time on the ice.

As you can see, Ty hated it.  I could barely get him around the rink and my back was killing me since I was holding him up under his armpits.  After one time around he wanted off the ice. :)

Tatum, on the other hand, did awesome!  Well, awesome for your second time.  She hung on to the side most of the time but got around herself and did a great job!  She said she'd like to go again and I said, "We'll leave Ty at home.". :)

I don't know when this was but his face was just so precious.  He fell asleep on our bed, I think he had a cold or something.  Those sweet little lips and her little cheeks.  If only he'd stay small forever. :)

Angry birds party!

Ty started a Master your Sports class and he loves it!  He learned soccer, football, track and field, and basketball!  He wants to get taking the class so I think I'll sign him up for 1 more session.  He's definitely learning about the different sports and which ones he likes the most.  I think he'll be a foot ball and baseball star! :)

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