Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Firefighters come to Ty's school!

Oh, Ty was sooooo excited to have the firefighters come visit his school the other day.  There were 4 firemen and they drove up in their fire engine, all the kids were in awe!
I think his name was fireman Dan but anyway, he went on to explain to the children how dangerous fire is.  He covered what to do when your house is on fire and when you hear a smoke alarm.  How to stop, drop and roll if you're on fire.  And how fireman are always here to help you.
One of the firemen got fulled dressed in his gear to show the kids how much protection they have on against the hot flames and how they can breath in the smoke.  Ty and his buddy Colin, right next to him, were completely focused. :)
The kids got to walk through the fire engine and Ty loved being carried out by this fireman.
And then it was his turn to shoot the hose!  What an amazing experience and an educational day North City Preschool!

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