Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Park Play

On Sunday, we headed over to Scripps Park for some riding.  Can't say it was bike riding since this little man won't ride a bike.  He was an awesome Spiderman bike with training wheels and we've done just about everything to get him to ride it.  Nothing works.  But he loves his three wheeler!  He got this razor for Christmas and he loves it!  It's hard to steer but he's mastered it and kept up with us bikers.

But after a long ride around the park a few times and then down to the baseball fields, he was tired and ready to walk. :)

I love tooling along on my cruiser.  So fun!  I love that our family is getting to this point, where we can all ride and get out together.  Such a wonderful stage.
And Tatum is awesome on her new dirt bike.  She loves it! 

We had lots of fun playing at the park, look at these sweet kids.  They are really good friends, despite the bickering here and there.  But when one is gone, the other can't wait for them to get back.  So cute.

It feels like we don't get these lazy park days enough.  Mental note to plan more of these days and moments. :)
The next morning, the kids and I headed to Irvine since it was our winter break and they had the week off school.  We met Jenny, Mattie and Cameron at Chick fil a for lunch, played at a park and then decided to all go to Irvine park to meet Grandma Judy to see the zoo.  I got a few cute pictures that didn't come out but I caught this one of Tatum brushing the goat in the petting area.  She's come a long way from when she use to freak out in the petting area. :)
Each kid also got to ride a horse!  The boys went on the small horse side where Jenny and I had to lead the pony's around a circle three times.  Difficult to take pictures while leading a horse.  But Ty loved it!
And here's Jenny and Cam!
Tatum and Mattie got to ride on the big horses, how exciting!

The first time around, Tatum was with another girl and then Mattie got on after this shot but I couldn't time the photos right since I was still leading Ty around at this point.  But you can see the big smile on Tatum's face!  We stayed in Irvine just for one night since I had to get back to work that week.  And at this point, I can't even remember what we did that week off.  I think we hit the beach one day and otherwise, just hung out and enjoyed a slow week of life.

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