Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Camping in San Elijo with wonderful friends

We were invited to buy our friend Kelly and Jame's extra camping spot at San Elijo and we said, heck yeah! 

Leanne, Ryan and Isaac joined us on the spot, as per usual.  Our favorite camping buddies! 

We walked down to the Arce's spot and met all their friends, wonderful people, and caught a family photo down at the sunset.

The next day, after breakfast, we took a few laps around the camp ground.  This guy LOVES to razor!  And he also loves wearing my snowboarding helmet. :)

Look at this crazy guy!

We spent the day down on the beach, enjoyed some delicious food that Ryan smoked in his hand made smoker, and had a yummy meal down with the Arce's and friends at their campsite.  After some smores, long talks, we packed up and headed home the next day.  Wonderful memories.

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