Thursday, January 29, 2009

An amazing birthday week for our two year old

Tatum's birthday celebrations started last Friday when we were to take her to Disneyland for the first time. It was pouring rain and not a day for a theme park but Tatum was so excited to see Mickey and Winnie that we couldn't let her down. So we all went to Downtown Disney, which was Disneyland to Tatum and she loved it. Especially the huge Winnie the Pooh area in the Disney store!

Saturday was her birthday party which was to be held at a local park but due to the rain, we had it at Grandma's house. Here's the beautiful cake her Godmother Shauna made for her.

Hanging out with her friends Aaron and Baby Isaac.

She loved opening presents...

and eating her delicious chocolate cake, yum!

And it couldn't have been a complete birthday without a hug from Mattie. Oh Tatum, just accept it, Mattie's a hugger! :)

We loved having Shauna over! :)

Sunday, Tatum opened family presents, look at that smile.

And then the weather cleared up on Monday, her actual birthday, and we went to the real Disneyland, way better than the other one. :)

Tatum loved the castle and the Merry-go-round but when she saw the Dumbo ride, she had to go on it!

Then we headed to Toontown, so much fun...

and then of course to see Winnie the Pooh. We had to go on the Pooh ride twice and when we got off, the Tigger and Pooh characters were taking pictures with people. I asked Tatum if she wanted a picture with Pooh and she reacted about how she did with Santa Clause, absolutely not! Maybe next time.

At the end of the day, she allowed us to get a picture with Mickey, I guess she was warming up. All in all, Tatum had an amazing birthday and now asks me every morning if she could open another birthday present, as if that should be the way to start every day. Wouldn't that be nice. :)


Nadine said...

What a week!! Happy Birthday Tatum!

Unknown said...

Joy - did you chop your hair off? I love the pics...and she should get a present a day! ;)

Kristi said...

Happy Birthday Tatum!!! So sorry we had to miss out on the party! Looks like you all had a great time at Disney!