Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun days with Mattie

Tatum and I were up in Irvine for a quick visit and had lots of play time with Mattie. Mattie is a hugger and loves to express her love. Tatum, on the other hand, is a lover in many other ways but hugging is not one of them and she's always a bit put off by Mattie's expression. But after endless hugs, Tatum has begun to except her BFFs ways and will one day come around, I'm sure. :)

A slide in your house, how cool!!!

Tatum and Mattie went to Aubrey's for a play date and Tatum was again greeted with a hug from Mattie. Love that expression Tatum, she's still getting use to it...

The hit of the gathering was the blocks, we need to get these for sure.

And then lunch time as big girls at their own table, how fun!

1 comment:

Mattie said...

I am laughing out loud at the hugging debacle! And really, Mattie does not just go around hugging people... its really just Tatum and Sylvie that she loves to hug!