Monday, November 18, 2013


Not cowboys on horses, bull riding.  The real Cowboys!  We were heading to a real football game at Qualcomm stadium with Jenny and Sadri to see the Cowboys!  We got to the parking lot around 11, which apparently was late because there were people with 50 in flat screen tvs set up connected to satellite which they had to set up pretty early in the morning.  Die hard!  Anyway, even though we only had about an hour or so to enjoy our drinks, sandwiches and dip, we made the most of it.

This guy was SOOOOOO excited to get in there!

And the game took off with a shot!  In the second inning, the Cowboys scored 3 touchdowns!  Here's one I got in action!

We were pretty high up in the stadium and the sun was beating on us, but well worth it.

Sadly, the Cowboys lost towards the end of the 4th quarter. So sad but we still were happy to get the opportunity to watch it in person!

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