Thursday, May 17, 2012

Camping at Doheny

Camping!  And not only were we excited about camping, we were excited about camping at Doheny.  This is the camp ground that my parents and I would come to at least once a year for years when I was a kid.  I brought many different friends with me, but mostly Leanne.  And we enjoyed every minute of it.  And it was a walk down memory lane driving into Doheny, I had definitely missed it.  We had site 90, a small one, so I was worried about how we were going to fit.  But we got the little tent you see above in the corner for Lee and Isaac and we were able to fit our tent over in the other corner and everything worked out.  We got set up and Grandma came down to check out our spot and enjoy dinner and smores with us. 

Smores are everyone's favorite part of course!


After smores, since the kids were wide awake, we all bundled up and took a blanket out to the beach to look at the stars.  Tatum had brought Zane, a zebra puppet from preschool, who came out to enjoy the stars with us.  But after this cute picture and about 1 minute of looking at stars, we decided it was way too cold.
The next morning Lee and Isaac arrived and after unloading, we headed out to the beach.  Too bad the sun didn't want to come out all day!

While we were walking around the camp ground that morning, we met two nice boys, 3 and 5.  Trip and Brody enjoyed us so after meeting their parents, Angie and Phil, we all hung out on the beach together and the boys enjoyed running from the waves.

Ty had no interest in the water, just enjoyed using the sand toys safely next to our beach chairs. :)

Tatum and Brody enjoyed playing Frisbee...

While Ty and Trip played some sand tennis!
That evening the Miller's and the Jazayeri's came to enjoy the beach with us, I love Mattie's face in this shot!

We told the kids they could just get their feet wet.  Ty was happy standing back and watching from a distance.

But these three enjoyed holding their clothes up and getting hit with the freezing waves.  I love this picture, friends forever just like their mom's. :)  And after this, we all headed back to the site for dinner.  Our site was right next to a path that went out to the beach which was great for riding bikes.  Some other kids near our site also came over and we had quite a riding frenzy.  It was nice that it was so close to our site and we could enjoy adult talk and drinks while the kids played with friends.
The boys were up early the next morning so in attempt to keep them from waking up the entire camp ground, they enjoyed playing Mobygo around the camp fire. :)

This sleepy head stayed in bed late!  Well, late for camping which was like 8:00 am!  Breakfast in bed.

After we stopped at Grandma's for a warm shower, we headed off to Mattie's 5th birthday party.  It was an Arial themed party and Jenny and Sadri did a wonderful job decorating the house.  And look at the beautiful birthday girl!

We enjoyed hanging with Sierra and Laura again while making necklaces.

Then we headed outside for a picnic with Mattie's preschool friend and cousin. 

Then a surprise guest arrived!  Arial!!!!  And in her fin no less! 

She carefully hopped to a blanket in the living room and taught the kids how to flip their fins, sing songs, dance and also read a story.

The kids loved it!
Then we headed back to the camp ground where Leanne's mom and step dad as well as Grandma, Jane and Barbara joined us for a wine tasting and dinner.  The kids enjoyed the ramp Trip and Brody brought.

Even Tatum tried it out!  What a wonderful camping weekend at Doheny.  I'd really missed this place, we'll definitely be making this a family tradition as well.


Nadine said...

The picture of the whole family in the tent is a total framer. So cute!

Tatum and Ty said...

Thanks Nadine! Tatum had to take in something from our trip to show that Zane the Zebra went with us so we took that picture in. Such a fun camping trip!